If you are currently confronted with a DUI charge, then you probably want to know everything that you can about your options and what might happen. However, DUI laws aren't the same in every state, so you will need to narrow your search down to the laws in your specific state. To help you out with that, here are some questions that you should ask if you are dealing with a DUI charge in Delaware:
What are the penalties for a first-time offender?
If you haven't been convicted of a DUI in the past, then you may be pretty apprehensive about what will happen if you are convicted. However, there is a bit of good news, because even if you are convicted, the penalties will be lower than you would receive for a second or third conviction.
In Delaware, a first-time offender is to be punished with a fine between $500 and $1,500, along with a jail sentence of up to 1 year. You can receive one of the punishments or both, which potentially means that your entire punishment could just be a month or two in prison and no fine. Alternatively, you could get hit with 12 whole months in jail on top of a $1,500 fine, so there is a lot of your punishment that is up to the courts to decide.
What are the penalties for subsequent offenses?
After the first offense, penalties get much harsher.
For a second offense, the fine rises to the range of $750 to $2,500, along with a prison sentence between 2 and 18 months.
For the third offense the fine rises to $5,000 maximum and a prison sentence between 12 and 24 months.
For a fourth offense, the fine rises to $7,000 maximum and a prison sentence between 2 and 5 years.
For a fifth offense, the fine rises to $10,000 maximum and a prison sentence between 3 and 5 years.
For a sixth offense, the fine stays at $10,000 maximum, but the prison sentence must be between 4 and 8 years.
For a seventh offense, the maximum rises again to $15,000 and the prison sentence must be between 5 and 15 years.
How does license suspension work?
After being convicted of a DUI, your license will be suspended, with the length of the suspension corresponding to how many DUIs you have been convicted of. After your first DUI, your license will be taken away for 12 months at the minimum, but after your fourth or more DUI, your license will be taken away for 60 months at the minimum. Contact a lawyer like one from Thomas & Associates, PC to learn more about your options.